And we're back!

Okay, so it's been a while since the last post. This term started out quite a bit busier than the last for me and posting has simply been pushed to the back burner. Now, we are into Week 3 here and things are beginning to even out. I had a very busy spring break, but was also lucky enough to get through a couple books in that week. That's a luxury I don't often get, and am delighted. This time I decided to try some books that I wouldn't normally read in my desire for something new and to be able to expand my book recommendations just for you. I was pleasantly surprised on the whole. And as you are all clammering to know what it was I read... I'll share. First, I finally made it through "A heart-breaking work of staggering genius" by Dave Eggers, which if you are politically minded at all or just like to laugh is a great read. I also delved into the "chick lit" genre and read "The nanny diaries" by Emma MacLaughlin and was surprised by the depth into her character's lives and the raw emotions of the book. I got through my first 'Alex Cross' book in James Patterson's series "Violets are blue"and have to admit that my delicate sensibilities were stretched, but a good bit of suspense. Plus, I highly recommend that if you are starting out to read them in order, I had quite a bit that I missed out on from previous books. Along the dark and scary route, I picked up my first ever Stephen King and found myself flying through the pages. Though his books are lengthier than most pulp fiction, there really is an art to grabbing your reader's attention and interest, twisting them around and not letting go till long after the last page is turned. King does this well. I finished "Atonement" by Ian McEwan which was absolutely wonderful, the best read so far this year. And finally, I finish "The Ha-ha" by Dave King which was altogether a different story for me, but well written and very enjoyable. So, if you're looking for something to read, I'd recommend any of these and more. Enjoy this term and make sure to keep checking in for the latest here.


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