Once again

I know, I know, it's been a while since you've heard from us. But now school is back in session and once again we are here to help. For those of you who are just joining us, welcome. I little reminder, the Library mini-research class is offered during the summer quarter, the same three times a week as always. Times are posted on our home page. If you haven't taken it, it's really beneficial and will actually save you time/stress/headaches as you do research the rest of the school year. If you have taken it in the past, this summer is a great time for a refresher course. Plus, EBSCO is changing. We'd love to show you the new version and all the fun new features they've added. Try it out yourself by going into EBSCOHOST, clicking on "New Features!" and searching in the Beta version. I think you'll like it. Another thing to note is the changed hours of the Library this summer. We are open fewer hours, but still available to help if you need it. Instead of an author of the month for the summer months, we will be keeping with Library tradition and featuring the summer reading picks from you librarians. I'll let you know that soon.
For now, have a great summer and stop by and see us sometime.


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