When worlds collide

This week's film...
We are down to the last two films in our summer film series sponsored by the Library.  This Tuesday we will be showing our newest film (released in theaters in the U.S. July 2013) and one which we are pleased to share with you.  This is a story about right and wrong, responsibility, and the lengths that people will go to protect others as well as to do what they feel is best.  It is a story about ethics, morality, and the influence that money has upon those choices.  And, it is a story about what happens when those forces come to light.

This film follows Al, a young man about to marry his boss' daughter and experience a promotion that will ensure his future. Driving home drunk after leaving his bachelor party, Al hits a man and leaves the scene. The accident is witnessed by a young woman, Juliette, who calls 911 and follows the victim to the hospital where she ends up befriending the victim's wife.  She stays involved with the woman, determined to help her.  When Al, racked with guilt returns to the hospital, he meets Juliette who confronts him.  Taking it upon herself to protect the victim's wife, Juliette decides to mediate between the two.  However, the more Juliette gets to know Al, the more she develops feelings for and a need to protect him as well.

As life always can attest, the intentions and the lengths these characters go to do what they feel is right have immense potential to backfire or be misunderstood when discovered.One of the great questions this film poses is how easily acts can be misconstrued or perceived as wrong or not good enough by someone else.  So how much truth, how much honesty can we handle?
This is a great film and one that we really hope you will join us for.  Remember, it's free, starts at 6:30 in the Science Building, and there is fresh popcorn.


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