A real American hero

In thinking about our hero today, and our upcoming movie night, there is one particular woman that we cannot talk about Women's History, particularly in the U.S., without mentioning.  That is the indomitable Ms. Susan B. Anthony.
Anthony was a tireless hero determined to see women recognized by the rest of the world as citizens, equal partners and creators in the world that they are a part of, and ultimately humans just like everyone else.  For Anthony, that began with women having a voice and part in society in the right to vote.  Picking up the charge begun by women in Europe and England, Anthony began speaking, gathering women and men alike together, to advocate or this basic and fundamental freedom.
Championing the very heart of what we know today as feminism, Susan B. Anthony was one of the first to speak out for equality towards all.  Feminism is and always has been about equality.  Anthony partnered with strong women across races advocating for the right to vote for women and African Americans alike. Her work brought her into contact and earned respect from many of history's greatest heroes.  Her partnership with Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a great one, the two of them spending their lives fighting for a cause they would never see come to fruition. 
And because he says it better than I could, here are Eugene V. Debs' words describing his meeting of Anthony. "No leader of any crusade was ever more fearless, loyal or uncompromising than Susan B. Anthony and not one ever wrought more unselfishly or under greater difficulties for the good of her kind and for the progress of the race."

"Susan B. Anthony freely consecrated herself to the service of humanity; she was a heroine in the highest sense and her name deserves a place among the highest on the scroll of the immortals."
And thus, Susan B. Anthony is our hero of the day.


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