Ode to the Beautiful Book

Obviously, due to our status as a library, the logical assumption is that we love books.  And, yes, we do.  And like any true bibliophile, we collect them.  What kinds of books do we collect?  Well, again the obvious, all the research and reference works that you will need to complete your homework, get through your classes, etc.  But, we collect so much more.  Some books we collect for more than their content; their beauty, audacity, imagery, and the sheer craftsmanship and creativity of the book all inspire their place on our shelves.  And this week, we'd like to share some of our favorite and most beautiful books with you.

One such special title that you won't have heard of but is an absolute treasure is the incredible I Wonder  by Marian Bantjes.  Bantjes' goal with this book is to create joy and wonder through images and typography. Each and every page is gorgeously, awe-inspiring in its construction. Each and every page is a visual and literary work of art.
Want to hear more about Bantjes?  Listen to her Ted Talk here about the exploration of joy.

Books that are as visually as beautiful throughout each page as the ideas or content they cover are what we are talking about.  They cover all range of topics and personal definitions of what is beautiful from the science of molecules, high fashion and couture, nature, photography, art, and humanity.  These are just a taste of some of the incredible books that have been hiding on our shelves.

Come check out our gorgeous display of beautiful books today.


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