Tech tips

In response to all the questions we've received about converting documents... the answer is finally here. I've recently been made aware of a fabulous and free sight that does the work for you. For example, if you have a pdf file that you would like to type in answers or fill in form blanks, but cannot do so this will do it for you. Or, if you have a pdf file that you would like to email or fax, but can't get it to cooperate, this program will convert it to a Word or even Word Perfect document. Very helpful, and no downloads necessary. It's fast and easy to use, trust me. So try it out at

Also, in response to questions... when you are using EBSCOHOST or SIRS and printing multiple documents from your file folder... if the files are in pdf format only, they will not print. You must go into each article individually and print them. If they are in HTML, you won't have any troubles. I know it's a bit confusing when you print the list and all the documents show up on the work cited list, but not all print. This is why. Hopefully this helps save some time and frustration for you.


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