Fall is almost over, the warmer days are coming to a close... and the end of the term is drawing near. Suddenly the holiday season is upon us and once again, I feel this intense need to make caramel apple pies, drink cider, and have long chats with friends and family. All the things that normally, time does not get taken for. Every holidays season strive to do less, and take more time doing it. Generally, this consists of picking my Christmas Break reading list, (which I already have, and can't wait to get to), checking off that holiday to-do list, and catching up on movies I haven't had time to see. And yet, the other factor that must be considered... less than three weeks left of school. While this is exciting, I know, there is also a lot to be done for many of you. Don't panic, you'll get there. There are just a few things that I wanted to make you aware of as the end of term is drawing near...
The Library Research class is NOT offered finals week. Those who have not taken it yet, but are required to for a class have only six more opportunities. This Tuesday at 7pm, Wednesday at 12, and then the regular times next week.
Also, due to the holiday, the Library will be closing at 3pm on Wednesday the 21st of November and will also be closed Thursday and Friday. We are open regular times for the next two Sundays.
The good news is . . . The ID Card printer is back! We apologize and thank all of you who have been so patiently waiting. Come up anytime the Library is open and get your card.
All Library materials must be turned in by December 5th! You may come in and check materials out that week for your Christmas reading or viewing pleasure.
The Library will be open during the break 8-5, Monday thru Friday, with the exception of the week of Christmas. So, please come in and see us.
Next month, instead of an Author of the Month, a TVCC Instructor will be sharing their top 10 favorite books with us and we will have those featured at the Library for check-out! I know you will all be excited to know who and what, but that must wait for another week.
In the mean time, have a wonderful holiday weekend and take some time to do something fun. Love in the Time of Cholera is out in theaters this week, so I'll be making time to see that. I'll let you know how it is next week. If you venture out to see it, let us know what you think as well.
In the mean time...
Happy Thanksgiving from the Library Staff!