Poem in Your Pocket Day

Since 2004, during National Poetry Month, the Academy of American Poets holds Poem in Your Pocket Day. This is a day designed to get people talking about and sharing poetry. What do you do? Find a poem, write it down or print it out, and keep it in our pocket the whole of the day. Then, as you go about your day, ask people if they have a poem. Read yours to them, and share in the beauty of poetry. To find out more about it or get a poem for your pocket, check out this site. This year's Poem in Your Pocket Day is April 14th. Get a poem and come ask the library staff about theirs. We'll read one to you!
What is great about this event is the reading aloud of poetry to one another. Poems should be read aloud. It gives the words a life that the page cannot. If you've not heard poetry aloud, it is a great experience. Try some of these tags on LastFM for a great listen. There are amazing slam poetry, true beat poetry from the likes of Jack Kerouac, and performances that will have you reexamining what you think about a poem is by Lady Khadija and many others. Give it a try.

My spring poem selection for this week is one of my favorites and I thought fitting with all the weather we've been having recently. Keep sending in your entries!

April Rain Song by Langston Hughes
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night -

And I love the rain.


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