A book you may have missed

Though he's been writing and very well recommended for years, I've never read Michael Connelly's novels. I've been intrigued and many of our students really like his books. So, this spring I finally picked up my first Michael Connelly, The Lincoln Lawyer. I admit that in part, this was because the movie had just come out and I always like to start with the book before I watch the film. This book is a perfect summer read. It grabs you from the first page, pulling you into the world of Mickey Haller, defense attorney. Haller works out of the backseat of his Lincoln Town Car as he travels between cases and clients across Los Angeles. Haller epitomizes the seedy lawyer type working more to manipulate the system then have to decide if his client is guilty or not. That is, until he lands the very wealthy young man in trouble who may turn out to be the answer to all his problems. As you can imagine, things don't go as well for Haller as he hopes. With twists and turns, suspense and fear, this book will keep you on the edge from start to finish. The Lincoln Lawyer is the first in Connelly's Mickey Haller series, so if you, like me, enjoy this book there are several more out there to read.
The film version starring Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei and Ryan Phillippe was actually a good portrayal of the book and I recommend it as well. You can check out the book or film from the Library today.


Zeb Lundy said…
It is great that there are still places in America that will let us think openly and make our own choices on what we read.
Nolan Humbird said…
I think it is a great thing to be able to read these books. I mean in america are we not supposed to have those said freedoms. If its something you want to read why shouldn't you be able to do that? That's why I agree with this I mean it does show our freedom does it not? :)

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