LibGuide: Open Educational Resources at TVCC

Celebrating free and accessible educational resources at TVCC

Curious about what open educational resources are available at TVCC? Need more information about what, exactly, OER means? Look no further! 

What is OER?

OER means open educational resources, and according to the Hewlett Foundation refers to "teaching, learning and research materials in any medium ā€“ digital or otherwise ā€“ that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions." 
Learn about open licenses at Creative Commons

Learn about the origins and theory of OER at Wikipedia (yes, it's okay to read the Wiki! This article is a well-sourced open access resource!)

Finding Low-Cost/No-Cost Classes

Classes at TVCC that use low-cost materials or no-cost materials (OER!) are labeled in the course catalog. When you run a course search on, choose to search either no-cost, low-cost, or both in the "Course Material Cost" drop-down box.
Search options for the TVCC course catalog
Classes in your search results will be labeled as no-cost or low-cost, and you will be able to click the white plus sign next to the course to look at the textbook options.

A list of courses marked low-cost or no-cost


Try searching the Library eBook collection for any textbooks you need! We have quite a few books that are commonly assigned in nursing, natural resources, and literature classes that you can read online for free. Ask the Library staff for the passwords to the online Library.


Natural Resources



These OER textbooks can be checked out in hard copy from the Library. Find them in our OER section near the course reserves!

A book shelf containing OER textbooks

The Word on College Reading and Writing [Library] [Online]
The Information Literacy User's Guide [Library] [Online]
Oregon Writes [Library] [Online]
An Introduction to Nutrition [Library] [Online]
Introductory Statistics [Library] [Online]

Cover image for The Word on College Reading and Writing   Book cover for The Information Literacy User's Guide   Cover image for Oregon Writes Open Writing TextBook cover for An Introduction to NutritionBook cover for Statistics


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